720 Series ™ Flash Cards
720 Series™ Flash Cards have exam writing definitions, application questions and answers and issue spotting drills to memorize the law you need in law school.
We rate the 720 Series™ Flash Cards as the best law school flash cards that money can buy. But that being said the publishers have stopped printing unless they have any leftover boxes to put them in. But, all of them are included them in the casebriefsco.com product. Most students like the price of the computer version and the idea that they can also create and print custom flash cards or can use their computer to carry around 17 sets of 720 Series™ Flash Cards that would weigh close to 25 pounds. They do have a point about that. As we have said over and over again, printed products are obsolete.
720 Series™ Flash Cards for law school have issue spotting drills in each edition. 720 Series™ Flash Cards have a large bank of pure definition questions to help you memorize the law. These are the prima facie cases you need to know to write you exams in law school. 720 Series™ Flash Cards are loaded with exam writing definitions and have almost twice as many cards as any other products and they have more subjects as well. They are the only publishers to have cards for UCC Article 3 and 4, Community Property and Remedies.
We thought we knew the law when we first used 720 Series™ Flash Cards. But because the questions and answers are nonleading you can’t guess the right answer unless you know the law. 720 Series™ Flash Cards made us realize just how much law we really didn’t know.
For first year law students 720 Series™ Flash Cards have titles for torts, contracts, criminal law, civil procedure, constitutional law and real property.
2021 Update. They make these cards in both printed and digital formats and have them in digital form as part of the offerings at www.casebriefsco.com. We were told they are discounting all their present inventory of printed cards and you can get them at $24.95 a box if you buy three of them at a time. But they will be in a different box such as contracts cards in a corporations box. They will not make printed versions after they are sold out. Go to www.bsmsphd.com.
Also Check Law in a Flash-Flash Cards for more info