Planet Law School
Planet Law School and the Culture of Fear.
If you believe that everyone is out to get you and that there is a vast law school conspiracy and that the Washington Post is part of it too, then you will be right at home on Planet Law School. This book makes great comedy except for the fact it preys on depressed 1L law students who follow the advice and from what we can see make all kinds of enemies in law school and just don’t do that well.
Recently he has even begun attacking us. We originally posted positive comments about his materials. We felt they had some good ideas but a misguided execution. It was almost immediately that we began to receive extremely negative comments from a large amount of 1L law students. We have over 1,300 negative replies. Many of them are extremely angry and want to know who he is so they can personally thank him for screwing them. We began to do some deeper digging and it was soon obvious that he is living on Planet Law School.
Feedback from 1L and 2L students on Planet Law School and Atticus Falcon.
Based on feedback from other 1L and upper level law students and from information we have gained from monitoring the Planet Law School on Yahoo we offer the following insights about Planet Law School and the advice it gives.
You know nothing about Atticus Falcon. “He” is afraid to reveal his real name and take it from us you don’t want to know. You have no background information on “him” nor do you know where “he” went to law school or even what type of grades “he” got. “He” has no proof that anything he says actually works. “He” is extremely negative and quotes the study of others to say that something is wrong with law school. We believe he is a poster child for the law school culture of fear.
“He” then sets forth a heuristic concept for getting through law school. There is a large amount of recommended material, with little actual advice. You must go out and prove that what “he” says is true. You will spend a lot of money and countless hours making that attempt. We recommend you save your time and money and don’t live on Planet Law School.
Atticus Falcon has not properly investigated LEEWS
What we find most disturbing is that “Atticus Falcon” has not done any proper investigation of the methodologies of others that “he” touts. “He” was directly confronted with the strong and overwhelming possibility that one of the key products which “he” recommends without hesitation is being less than honest with their results. The LEEWS product failed to intentionally provide him proof of its claimed success. Yet this raises no red flags to investigate and to determine the truth. “He” is perplexed that someone with such alleged great proof would not come forward and use it to increase their business.
Why would you follow the advice of someone who has no proof whatsoever that anything “he” says works? Particularly since “he” has had more than enough time to prove that it does work. “He” has been doing this since 1998. Isn’t that time enough to show some real results?
When confronted with this serious issue of proving what “he” says, “he” talks about the plans “he” has to create a special group of students in the summer before law school, and teaching them what to do and if they do well that will constitute the proof “he” needs. Don’t buy into this make believe world.
There is no quick fix for 1L student anxieties.
1L Law students always think there is some magical solution to their anxieties and many relieve that stress by buying and buying and buying lots of study guides and aides. “He” wants you to buy, buy, buy and buy some more. As of 2009 we count an incredible $1,400 plus in recommended books to purchase.
What “he” does not point out to you is that a very large majority of the materials he wants you to buy are from the very professors and parties who are part of the law school establishment. These are the same people who made law school the evil place it is supposed to be. If you buy into the underground, you will make the very people who created the establishment rich by buying their materials to get through the establishment’s system. Isn’t that what’s call irony?
“He” is mad about what goes on in law school. But, if you want to change the system you can easily start your own law school and do it your way and prove with actual results your graduates do better. If “he” had done this in 1998 by now many of his graduates would be in the money and certainly showing all the rest of the world how “he” was right. Do not let “his” fantasy world turn into your reality.
1L students need to understand the function of Professors in Law School.
We want to defend a key part of the methods and madness of many of the law professors and law schools. Professors are only there to help you with the application of the law. Professors are not teachers! “He” wants them all to be teachers. But ask yourself one simple question, would you hire a lawyer who has been spoon fed all the law and can’t handle the inherent stress and uncertainty that the law itself brings?
Professors are there to provoke independent thought and as such they will only go over the application of the law as this is the most difficult area. They will concentrate on the idiomatic concepts that cannot be learned in a vacuum. Why should a professor care that you are not smart enough to figure things out on your own? Law school is not undergrad. Law school is not cookies and milk time. You are supposed to walk out the back end capable of independent legal thought. You must accept your responsibilities and either rise to the challenge or find something better to do with your life.
“He” gives you the expectation that somehow the Professors and the “Law School Establishment” are doing you wrong by not spoon feeding you, teaching you, and putting everything on a platter. If they were so wrong and so out of touch with reality, then why year after year do the “wronged” graduates of these schools support them over and over again with generous and substantial donations? Perhaps, wisdom is what “he” lacks.
When you face a judge or a real legal problem for the first time, with real consequences for both you and the person who is depending on you, you will truly understand how much of a favor they have done. You must learn to deal effectively with uncertainty and the stress that it brings upon you. That is part of the legal profession and it always will be.
Disguised Socratic exam writing.
We think it is insanity to try to study the law months in advance of law school actually starting. We know that “he” has no idea about the value of case briefing and how to learn the law. We know that spending all that money on all those books even before law school starts is a total waste of resources. We know “he” knows nothing related to the skill of exam writing.
We know that “he” has never properly and thoroughly investigated any of the methodologies “he” raves about in his book. We know that the HYPO method is nothing more than the Socratic method of learning the law and it just doesn’t work and it never will.
1L’s Don’t waste all that money and time on Planet Law School.
The company who publishes “his” work (verified as of 9-6-2005) is delinquent on their corporate fee payments to the State of Hawaii. When confronted with comments similar to these “his” only response is to launch a bizarre defamatory attack and spending a small fortune on investigators to try and dig up dirt on one of the people commenting about the nature of “his” advice.
“He” admits that “he” was too stupid in three years of attending law school to figure out how to get an A. Why would anyone believe “he” has figured it out after “he” left? …. “He” is part of the law school culture of fear.
Read the Get An A in Law School section and learn what to really do.
We always had a sneaking suspicion about Atticus.
“He” is in the habit of surfing the web and promoting his book under different names. His posts all have a specific level of brevity and the constant use of the same words over and over and over again. We believe he even has conversations with himself online and on his website. There is no doubt that he is a complete looser who needs to get a life and stop playing pretend with law students across the country. Any law student who listens to this pretender deserves what they get.
Thankfully, it is clear both “his” book and website are failing.
“He” now rates a BUYER BEWARE!!!! “He” has and is attempting to create a large number of commercial products and from what we can tell, they have all failed.
We do not recommend Planet Law School.
P.S. If anyone who has a lot of excess time and who finds out the true identity of this loser let us know because there are many many people who want to talk to him.