Category: Law Outlines

Nutshell Law Outlines

Nutshell Law Outlines Are Great Except They are Overpriced and Printed Every time we look at Nutshell law outlines we can’t escape the impression that they were meant for practicing attorneys. The content in each Nutshell law outline is great. However, it is not in a format for easy memorization. They have lots of Nutshell law outlines on topics that no

Gilbert’s Law Outlines

Gilbert’s Law Outlines are Good but They are Printed and Have a Poor Exam Writing Section. Gilbert’s Law outlines are good. They do try to do too much with too little space. The law outline section is usually very good because it has all the information that you need to memorize. However, you will need to put much

Emanuel Law Outlines

Emanuel Law Outlines are Mini-Hornbooks If you want to impress professors get an Emanuel law outline. If you want to get an A get something else. What can we say: Emanuel law outlines are the best mini hornbooks money can buy. They are great and other than the obvious pandering to female students, they are extremely well written.