Author: admin

Legal Research

Legal Research with Westlaw and Lexis Both Westlaw and Lexis are excellent resources for doing legal research and writing. That being said, you will not have to do much legal research and writing in law school to get excellent grades. If you make school Bar Review you will have to do Legal Research and Writing

Law Dictionary

You need a good Law Dictionary to properly learn the law. The law is all technical definitions. The basis for any good grade on any law school exam is knowing the technical definitions. The same is true for any practicing attorney. Issue spotting is dependent on how much law you have memorized before you take

1L Advice

This is a reprint of an article by Study Partner™. Enjoy. 1L Advice on the Socratic Method TO SUCCEED IN LAW SCHOOL GET M.A.D. ™ For 1L law students law school is simply a rite of passage; you have to go to law school to be able to take a bar exam so that you can obtain a