High Court Casebriefs Case Summaries are a Good Product High Court Case Summaries are a good product. Back about seven years ago for a two year period we used to think they were the best written and best edited case briefproduct. Five years ago we compared 300 case briefs from Rom Law ™ to the corresponding High Court
Casenotes Case briefs; Higher Prices and OK Case briefs Casenote case briefs used to be an independent company that was forced out of business mostly from their constant desire to raise prices without improving the product and from intense competition from Rom Law™. Casenote case briefs was purchased by Aspen publishers who immediately raised the prices even
Casebriefs, Law Dictionary, Law School Exam Writing, Questions and Answers, Flash Cards and Reference Materials. Rom law™ is a grea product. It is not perfect but it is really close. It is digital, it installs on your computer and the one year license you get is just a few dollars more than the cost of