This article was reprinted with permission of Study Partner™ Law School Issue Spotting Effective Issue Spotting for Law School Exam Writing Requires Memorization of Majority and Minority law. Issue spotting is the most important aspect of the skill of law school exam writing and in taking law school exams because if you do not spot the
This article was reprinted by permission from Study Partner ™ . Exam Writing is a skill that you cannot learn 1-2 weeks before your first exam. In order to better understand the issues that affect your proficiency at exam writing, it is important that you review some basic concepts. The two most important are your ability
Law School Lectures Sum and Substance and Legend Law Lectures lack a law outline, exam writing and issue spotting drills. Sum and Substance is one of the makers of what used to be audio cassettes that they finally converted over to CDs. From the review of the Sum and Substanceproducts that we purchased used and from local