MP3 Exam Writing

MP3 Exam Writing Lecture

MP3 Law School Exam Writing Will Teach you the Skill of Law School Exam Writing.

The MP3 Law School Exam writing lecture offers a comprehensive and total solution to learn all the skills necessary for law school exam writing.

MP3 Exam Writing covers all the aspects of taking exams in law school. It uses the substantive law of Torts, Contracts, and Criminal Law to demonstrate the basic and complex principles of law school exam writing. It does not use traditional IRAC but it follows that basic structure.

We’ve taken the live lecture and also received the MP3 Cd. It is vital that you listen to this lecture every two weeks until you learn all the skills of law school exam writing and understand all the advice given. Exam writing it a skill and as such you do need to practice, practice and practice some more until you get good at it. One saving grace is that if you learn the skill for one subject you will know the skill for all the subjects you take. However, if you only listen to the lecture once or twice you will only learn 15% of the information. It takes a good 2-3 months of work to master law school exam writing and to memorize all the law you need for issue spotting and law school exam writing.

One thing that amazed us was when we were in the LEEWS lecture was that just about everyone left the lecture happy and confident. Just about everyone left the MP3 Exam Writing lecture upset and embarrassed about how poorly they knew the law and upset because they knew that to get A’s they had to memorize a lot of law. There in lies what we feel are the important differences. The MP3 Exam Writing Lecture people really know what to do and have created a complete program to deal with law school exam writing and issue spotting. MP3 has also improved their product and methodology whiles LEEWS has not.

The MP3 Exam Writing lecture costs significantly less then LEEWS but when we made a comparison chart of relevant advice given by each lecture, the MP3 Exam Writing lecture has more than 3 times the amount of good advice. Even after we added the cost of a Rom Law™ to get all the material to memorize and all the rest of the Exam Writing books the cost was still less than LEEWS and there was literally 50 times more material .

The MP3 Exam Writing Lecture Integrates the Functions of Memorization and Issue Spotting with a Modified Form of IRAC to Learn the Skill of Law School Exam Writing.

We find MP3 Exam Writing lecture superior in a large number of areas including sample exams, issue spotting, its modified IRAC format, advice for actually writing answers, memorization advice, and available supplemental materials that were created to integrate with the advice given. It shows how all the elements of memorization, issue spotting and exam writing are interdependent upon each other.

Most important we were able to look at actual letters and emails from students who have used the MP3 Exam Writing lecture materials to get through law school. We were impressed at how the MP3 Exam Writing lecture people modified their advice over time and have produced significantly improved results with students as the lecture and materials included get better and better. They have also allowed us to look at letters and emails regarding their Guaranteed Law Lectures as well.

We were particularly impressed with 2L students who used the materials to turn their grades around. See this link. Here is the link We verified this letter and six more but they were among 100’s from 2L students they have received over the past two years. Its never too late to figure it out.

Their refund rate on their guaranteed course is about 6% for 2007. A good 40% of the refunds admitted they did not do what they were told to do, but wish they had. Recently, they added a section on how to use Dean’s Law Dictionary to assist in your learning idiomatic law.

You will find a good deal of the materials from the MP3 Exam Writing Lecture in the Get an A In Law School product.

This is a good product. The MP3 Exam Writing lecture is close to being perfect.

For 2013 they added a snail mailed newsletter sent once per month that addresses exam writing fine points as well as special motivational issues related to being a law student.

For 2019 they have redone the entire lecture and added significant new parts related to how to end extremely bad study habits to dramatically increase learning efficiency. Those methods apply to any subject at any level and any age. We have introduced 10 and 13 year old children to what ABN calls their 20-5-10 methods and we can say they really work wonders.

You can go to to learn more under MP3 Lectures.