Barcharts Law Outlines

A Barcharts law outlines are very pretty.

Barchart law outline is very pretty and it has lots of color. At least you can be stylish. We suppose that is why law students buy them. We can’t think of any reason to buy a Barcharts law outline. When we went to a number of law school bookstores, we found Barcharts law outlines to be a set up for an impulse buy. They have a nice display case which is usually by the cash register with a relatively cheap impulse buy price and pretty colors that are so enticing.

While Barcharts law outlines are pretty and have lots of color and lamination on them, they have very little useful law in them for the price. We only reviewed half of the titles mainly because they are all the same with the same format and layout. They appear to us to be little more than the table of contents of a law outline with some law. Barcharts law outlines beat a Foldeez ™ law outlines hands down in the looks department. But there is no comparison between Barcharts and Foldeez ™ when it comes to actual useful data. Foldeez ™ law outlines has a 10-12 times advantage in the amount of law and a 20-30 times advantage in the amount of useful law compared to a Barcharts law outline.

Did we say they were pretty and have so many different colors?

For first year students Barcharts law outlines have titles for torts, contracts, criminal law, civil procedure, constitutional law and real property.

To know more about outlines Click Foldeez ™ Law Outlines